Home Other services Execution of works on the design of civil and industrial facilities.

Execution of works on the design of civil and industrial facilities.

Maven, together with partners, offers its services aimed at the implementation of project tasks of any complexity.

Work experience - over 24 years
More than 1000 satisfied customers
Member of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
High qualifications and special education
Individual approach to each client
Ability to solve non-standard tasks
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Architectural and construction design.
Design of supporting and enclosing structures.
Engineering networks and systems design. Design of new or reconstruction of existing facilities (architectural and planning solutions) water supply and sewerage; heating and ventilation; conditioning; aspiration; calculation of load-bearing structures; development of waterproofing projects in case of flooding; calculation of foundations; development of a construction organization project, etc.
Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of building structures of buildings and structures, engineering networks. Development of a passport and technical report on the condition of concrete, reinforced concrete, metal structures. Calculations of their bearing capacity are performed. Strength is tested by non-destructive methods.
Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of underground communications (pipelines for various purposes).
Engineering activities in the field of construction.
Development of environmental sections. Balance rates for water consumption and wastewater disposal; obtaining a permit for special water use; development of PDS standards; calculation of stormwater systems (project development, selection of treatment systems). Development of projects for local treatment facilities (LOS).
When developing design solutions, our specialists use the latest technologies.

Specialists have many years of experience in the inspection of buildings and structures (determination of parameters and characteristics of materials and structures using special equipment, instruments and apparatus at sites and in laboratories) with the development of a technical report and issuance of a passport of the technical condition of the object.

Our company includes certified specialists in the areas of expert and technical examination; design of engineering

networks; bearing and enclosing structures; measuring and construction laboratory with equipment for non-destructive testing of load-bearing structures of buildings and structures, an engineer for technical supervision.

The specialists of our company are constantly undergoing training, improving their qualifications by attending seminars, trainings, etc.

Our company owns the entire material and technical base for the development of design and estimate documentation (office equipment, software and calculation complex SCAD, programs for three-dimensional solid modeling).

We will be glad to have long-term and fruitful cooperation.

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