Preservation of buildings. Extension of the service life
Product description
The PRODUCT penetrates deep into concrete and, with the help of organofunctional molecules, slows down the electrochemical corrosion process that occurs between reinforcing steel and chloride compounds, as well as oxygen and moisture.
Recommended use
sharply reduces the intensity of corrosion of steel reinforcement, which is caused by chloride ions in concrete structures due to the reaction of the active material with the cement phase
mitigates the corrosion of reinforcing steel even in structures exposed to the effects of environments with high relative humidity
effectively slows down macro-elemental (from one reinforcing grid in the slab to another) and micro-elemental (along the reinforcing profile) corrosion of steel-reinforced concrete
reduces corrosion in carbonized concrete structures reinforced with steel
is a liquid, silane system with low viscosity
it is applied undiluted on the surface of concrete and is quickly absorbed
is an easy-to-use agent that penetrates concrete and dries quickly
enters into a chemical relationship with steel, cement phase and other siliceous materials that are in concrete and on the surface of steel
does not discolor or change the appearance of the base or its surface friction
repels extra water and chloride ions
leaves the substrate permeable to water vapor