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Home IT Technologies Corporate mail

Corporate mail

   Our company offers you a comprehensive solution. Your personal mail server will be under your complete control, which will ensure complete confidentiality of correspondence and access to the archive of correspondence when necessary. At the moment, corporate mail is the face of the company. Mailbox branding is a must! QFS TEAM has figured out this issue.

Work experience - over 24 years
More than 1000 satisfied customers
Member of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
High qualifications and special education
Individual approach to each client
Ability to solve non-standard tasks
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  Corporate email is an email address that is hosted on a company's domain and is used only for its benefit. As a rule, for corporate e-mail addresses are used in the format:

  Corporate mail is not only a communication tool between employees, but also an important point of contact with customers. Every time you send an email to your customers, you remind them of the type of company you represent. The recipient immediately sees from which particular organization the message came, without even opening the letter.

Benefits of corporate mail for a company

  Corporate mail is one of the main channels of communication between employees, as well as between the company and its customers and partners.

  Company mail on its own domain gives the business the following benefits:

  • simple and memorable addresses;
  • unlimited number of emails with the name of the company;
  • credibility and trust of customers;
  • the ability to use an autoresponder (for example, a letter confirming registration on the website or a subscription to company news received from a corporate address);
  • control of information flows of the company;
  • separation of personal and work flow of information;
  • the ability to send bulk mailings (most services require you to specify corporate mail as the sender's address).

  Corporate mail is another way to positively influence the company's image in the eyes of customers and partners.

Ways to organize corporate mail

  There are several main ways to organize corporate mail for your company. The choice of one or another option depends both on the size of the business and its main features, and on how much you are willing to spend on maintaining mailboxes.

  The first way is free email based on one of the mail services. This is what we are used to using for personal purposes. The mailbox for each employee is registered on free resources (,,,

  The main and only advantage of this method of organizing corporate mail is that it is free and simple.

  But if we consider this option on the scale of the whole company, then there are many more disadvantages:

  • limited scope of mail service - there is no possibility of personalizing the functions of the mail service for the needs of the company;
  • limited number of mailing names - the presence of a huge number of already existing mailboxes makes it impossible to create email with beautiful names;
  • negative impact on the business image - the use of free opportunities implies the presence of domain names of postal services in the address of your company, which may raise doubts about the reliability and seriousness of your business.

  The second method that most companies use is a paid service for creating corporate mail from postal services. To organize corporate mail, you use the same mail services as in the free version. But in the case of a paid package of services, you will receive corporate mail for your domain on special terms. Today, paid opportunities for organizing corporate mail are provided by almost all popular mail services.

The main advantages of this method:

  • creation of any number of email addresses with names that are easy to remember;
  • the presence of your domain in each mailing address;
  • built-in anti-virus protection;
  • powerful customizable spam filters.

      The third option for creating a corporate email is to organize it on the basis of a hosting provider. This option is popular for companies whose website is hosted on the server of a particular hoster. In this case, you have the opportunity to place on the server mailboxes of the company with any names and indicating your corporate address in the email name.

The advantages of this way of organizing corporate mail:

  • personal control and configuration of the main filters;
  • full encryption of all transmitted correspondence using SSL / TLS protocols;
  • powerful customizable spam filters
  • setting up redirects - for example, letters that come to the mailbox can be forwarded to a separate group of technical support employees;
  • management of the volume of mailboxes.

  The fourth method is the most independent of all, but at the same time the most labor-intensive. This is the location of corporate mail on its own mail server.

  The complexity of the method lies in the fact that its implementation requires certain technical capabilities and equipment:

  • high speed internet channel;
  • a physical server with an installed operating system Linux or Windows Server;
  • special software for the operation of the server;
  • a valid domain name.

  To provide all the necessary conditions, significant investments will be required. But on the other hand, you will receive special benefits:

  • flexible disk space;
  • personal configuration of filters and message forwarding;
  • simple backup;
  • constant personal monitoring of the operation and reliability of the server.

  Of course, to do all this work, you will need a full-time specialist, which will entail additional fixed costs for his labor. However, this will keep your mail completely independent and manageable. The main disadvantages of such a solution are the high cost of implementation, as well as the dependence on the quality of the Internet provider.

  The choice of the implementation option for corporate mail is yours. Assess the capabilities of your company, the estimated workload of mail, as well as the budget that you have. After that, it will be easier to choose the optimal solution.

  Corporate mail is a necessary tool in the arsenal of any company. It makes it possible to establish communication between employees and departments, carry out the necessary mailings on behalf of your organization, as well as increase the trust and loyalty of customers and partners..

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