The technique of growing succulents on technozems
The formation of industrial dust is typical for such industries as the mining and coal industry, for explosive work, mechanical engineering, construction, metallurgy and the chemical industry. As a result of technological processes, suspended, finely divided particles of solid substances accumulate in the air of industrial premises. Industrial dust is usually divided into organic and inorganic. Organic dust can be plant, animal or artificial (wood, cotton, wool, plastics). Inorganic dust can be mineral and metallic. There are also mixed types of industrial dust.
If industrial dust is formed as a result of abrasion or crushing, then it is referred to as disintegration aerosols. If the dust is formed due to evaporation, then - to condensation aerosols.
An important characteristic of dust particles is their dispersion. Visible dust particles have a size of more than 10 microns, microscopic particles - from 10 to 0.25 microns, ultramicroscopic particles - less than 0.25 microns. The dispersion of particles determines the degree of impact on human health. Visible particles are considered the most dangerous. They settle on the walls of the lungs and cause serious illness.
A method was developed to improve the ecological safety of the areas affected by sludge storage, namely, the formation of sod on dusty surfaces using drought-resistant herbaceous plants. The introduction of this method provides a decrease in the degree of environmental hazard of the areas affected by sludge storage facilities of iron ore mining and processing plants in accordance with the requirements of the state sanitary rules for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas on the basis of.
Herbaceous plants do not have deep and large roots, typical for woody plants, which can destroy the water protection of the sludge storage. The vegetation forms a fairly branched network of abundant thin roots, roots and rhizomes in the uppermost soil horizons, forming the so-called sod. Also, herbaceous vegetation involves large amounts of carbon, nitrogen, relatively mobile silica, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, cobalt in the biological cycle, enriching the upper soil horizons with them, and forms powerful humus horizons (0.5-2, 0 m) with a predominance of humic acids over fulvic acids, with high energy and food resources and a developed cationic absorption capacity (25-30-50 mg * eq).
The direct method of planting consists in applying plant seeds together with a working solution based on VCR using a water jet installation. After application, moisture gradually evaporates and spontaneous compaction of the gel occurs until a continuous coating is formed. This coating, formed after the treatment of the mineral substrate with a carbon-alkali reagent, as a polydisperse system, includes mineral, organic, water, biogenic and gas subsystems.
The soil turns black and the enthalpy of the system increases. This leads to an increase in soil temperature, an improvement in the conditions of activity and an increase in the activity of soil microorganisms, an acceleration of the awakening of seeds and germination of plants. There is an active increase in the digestibility of fertilizers, the manifestation of a synergistic effect when used together with plant protection products and growth regulators.
The organic subsystem is, for the most part, the vegetation that receives quanta of solar energy accumulated by humate. This contributes to the growth of cell energy, the intensification of metabolic processes, the acceleration of respiration, an increase in the supply of nutrients to the plant, the acceleration of the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein, the activation of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and the improvement of the biochemical composition of plants.
In the "humate - plant" system, two independent phenomena of very great importance are noted.
The first phenomenon is the growth of cell energy and the associated intensification of metabolic processes. Quinone groups in the humic acid molecule have four linked bonds, the electrons of which are capable of capturing a quantum of solar energy with a transition to a higher energy level. The accumulated solar energy in this way can be transferred to the plant cell at the right time, which leads to the intensification of metabolic processes. When comparing the paramagnetic properties and physiological activity of humic acids, it was found that light energy takes an active, and possibly decisive, role in the formation of the energy potential, composition and physicochemical properties of humus. Electromagnetic radiation induces paramagnetism and the stimulating effect of humic acids.
The second phenomenon is an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane, which accelerates the respiration of plants, facilitates the entry of nutrients into the cell and, ultimately, leads to an increase in the intensity of plant growth and development. In addition, there is a direct relationship between the intensity of respiration and the penetration of mineral nutrients into plants, which leads to a synergistic effect.
HAs simultaneously affect both hydrophilic (having an affinity for water) and hydrophobic (water-repellent) areas on the surface of cell membranes. In this case, CKs change the electrical charge on their phospholipid components. As a result of these electrical changes in the membrane surface, it becomes more active to transport trace elements and other nutrients into the cellular cytoplasm.
It is important to note that this phenomenon is quite selective. For example, the permeability of the potassium ion increases by two orders of magnitude (100 times), and sodium only by one (10 times), which has a positive effect on plant nutrition.
In case of non-direct planting, you must first grow seedlings.
For cultivation, plastic containers of small height with drainage holes in the bottom were used. There should be several holes, they are located along the perimeter of the container, as well as in the center.
The soil for germinating succulent seeds was prepared from sludge.
Figure 1- Prepared plastic containers
Figure 2 - Soil structure based on sludge
When sowing, the seeds were decomposed on the soil moistened with a sprayer. The seeds were not buried in the ground, but left on the surface. In order to prevent the top layer from drying out quickly, the container was covered with foil. The layer of the formed condensate was removed from the film daily. At the same time, the crops were aired (no more than 15-20 minutes). The film was removed only when the sprouts already had several leaves.
Figure 3 - Germinated plant shoots